Saturday, October 08, 2011

Strategy Session For Manifesting the "Big Vision" for your Life and Business

Are You Ready to Awaken Your Special Gift?
Do you want to save years of trial and error?
Is it your time to shine bright with a clear and focused vision?
Once your vision gets really clear, doors to your special gift will open.

Do You Feel A Calling to Your Big Dream?
Whether it's getting you ready for a new book launch,
or be a star in your next radio interview,
or help determine your gift in this life,
you will finally discover what it takes to be successful in your quest.
You will inspire other people to want to work with you.
Make your Big Dream a reality with a session today!

In your 1 hr. session I will use the strategies I have used
to get meetings with famous
directors, Olympic champions
and big studios executives.
You will get the strategies that have helped my clients
attract over 6 figures for their businesses.
These potent strategies also helped me produce over 30 documentaries.

Just as I make and design a film to be a visually stunning creation
that causes a change in the viewer in 90 minutes or less,
a strategizing session will empower you to set the intent
of your new venture. so your idea can go out into the
world manifesting the result you set up

On this call, we will create the plan, the vision, the motivation,
and most importantly the action steps so you can
step across the line into your unique destiny.

Imagine how good you'll feel when you clearly see the
beliefs that have held you back
. Some of these beliefs are
old and comfortable, others are uneasy and challenging,
while still other beliefs are those other people have "given" you.

What you need to understand is that all these beliefs are
something YOU control
When you receive and use easy to implement strategies
that work specifically for you, you'll start to get the results
you've been searching for.
You can finally stop searching and really start enjoying your Big Dream.
It's time to do this!

We'll dig for the treasure in your life together.
And of course I can give you plenty of time-tested suggestions
to create a knockout winning film or video to go with your vision.
I will help guide you to discover your winning beliefs.

On this call together, we will create an enormous focus with
a clear productive plan for your success

I encourage you to master your dream and live the life you desire
with every second filled with your true purpose. Let's get you on
track and create the right plan to help you unlock the
special power that YOU have within.
My dream is to help you get over that line of success and
reach your dreams as soon as possible.

When you are ready to get started,
email for details.

I would be thrilled to help you break through!
Love and blessings,

Terri Marie

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Some people sweep things under the rug when things get difficult
or they don't want to deal with something unpleasant.
They think no one will notice,
but it is really hard not to trip over a bumpy rug.

Instead of trying to make a deal with what makes you uncomfortable -
just deal with it. Problems swept under the rug tend to multiply.
It seems as though time expands problems the longer those problems are avoided.

I heard a story long ago that if you need to learn something,
or a lesson in life, first life sends you a gentle whisper, a hint.
Next life send you a brick.
Then, if you still don't get it... life send you a Mack truck,

Unfortunately to say, I've had the Mack Truck.
It's not pretty but I won't do that again.
I've learned to listen to the hints and suggestions of
the universe
before I get clobbered.

I've also learned that the quicker you handle things,
the quicker they are over
. Gone. Ka put.

So my best advice when things get really uncomfortable
is to deal with them now.

Here are 3 Suggestions for When You Want
to Sweep Something Under the Rug:

1. Ask "What am I avoiding?"
If you want something to go away, you are avoiding something
that you think might be painful. Just being aware of that pain
can bring relief. Just "seeing" it is no longer avoiding it.

2. Ask if this type of scenario has happened before?
What would it take to keep it from happening again?
A different decision?
A different action?
A different choice.?
A different response?
Note the word "different" has to be there to be effective.

3. Be brutally honest. Ask "What am I afraid to say, or do?"
Answer this question and you most likely will have your answer.

Having no messes "under the rugs" is a great way
to free up energy in your life.
You'll be much better able to reach your goals.
No more tripping up your life.
You'll walk on a much smoother path to success.

Get rid of the broom.
Let life itself sweep you off your feet!

Terri Marie

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