A Hero's Resolutions

Resolutions of a Hero
Terri Marie
By now many of us have forgotten the “newness” of the year
and have become swept away in the relentless flow of 2008.
If we keep in mind the qualities that are needed in our new
world of vast and rapid changes, we can better ride with joy
the wave of change that is occurring all around us. That is
to travel through life as a hero does.
If a hero were to make resolutions what would be on the list?
For the hero in you, the part of you that does want to approach
each moment with freshness, I have compiled this list.
1. I Resolve to Empower Not Just Help.
To empower is to build the human master blocks for a
better world where everyone is truly needed and respected.
Scott McOwen, (a past Hero of the Month and continual hero)
empowers people and business to grow into their true success
by gifting them with inner tools that are used to create outer
success in the business game. Scott puts a piece of his life
knowledge into the business spirit of those he helps. Scott empowers.
2. I Resolve to Listen Inward.
Pay more attention to the things that inspire a hero.
Remember Dr. Frances Mead-Messinger’s (another Hero of the Month)
thought in the orphanage about how she must help the other
little girls there. That was an inspired thought. We all have great
thoughts, but most flit quickly away unless we catch the thought
and give it life through us. Listen for your inspired thoughts.
3. I Resolve to Emulate Other Heroes.
We all have those we admire and wish to model. All heroes
that you respect have built on the success and traits of heroes
they admired. This creates a wonderful chain of heroes.
Choose your heroes wisely.
4. I Resolve to Choose the High Form of Courage – “en” not “dis.”
To encourage is to “enable. empower and enrich” a life.
To discourage is to “distract, displace, and disturb” a hero’s energy.
Encourage every potential hero you see, “en”cluding yourself.
5. I Resolve to Be a Bit Outrageous.
To reach the divine you need a touch of madness. Like a pinch
of salt added to a recipe, it adds more heroic flavor to our
personality. Heroes aren’t meek, only when in disguise like
Clark Kent. True heroes stand strong with great tenacity of spirit,
supported with a shield of truth, which allows truth through,
but banishes deception.
6. I Resolve to Give Joy.
Heroes Serve Joy. Do you think your circumstances excuse
you from feeling joy and serving joy to your self and others?
Watch the “Life is Beautiful” movie. Tell me that isn’t one of the
most heroic things you’ve ever seen. Joy in the midst of despair
is the most perfect and pure joy there is.
7. I Resolve to Serve Hope. Ann Frank is a great example of this.
While Ann did not last very long after writing her timeless words
of hope, those words from her spirit, her gift of hope did. The
hope you serve to others will live far beyond whatever else you
may serve them– except Love. Hope is a child of love.
8. I Resolve to Develop My Intuition.
Heroes use intuition not just their mind and heart in making
decisions. It’s an extra ingredient that encourages and empowers.
Your intuition knows the best answers for you.
9. I Resolve to See More Options.
Heroes see more options when they rate a challenge.
More opportunities become aware to them that can result in
solutions, often with unexpected beneficial byproducts.
A hero is reborn every moment with each independent choice.
10. I Resolve to Keep Going.
When heroes feel like quitting, they go just a little farther.
It’s the tiny increments, when we normally quit or turn back,
that break us through to new levels. It’s where every successful
person I know made their breakthrough. Just one more try.
Yoda said, “Do or do not. There is no try.’ In spite of his cuteness
and wisdom, I believe in trying. Try it out. Then if it doesn’t work,
try something else. We try on clothes. We try out furniture.
“Try” can lead to doing.
Taking a better aim turns “try” into “do” into “success.”
11. I Resolve to Make Time.
Heroes expand time. They “make” time. Heroes know that
opportunity is waiting around every corner of time. Each moment
of being aware brings great potential for a miracle and
heroes make time for them.
12. I Resolve to Allow the Life Force to Move Through Me.
We all can do this. It depends on how open we are as the
vessels of life. In a moment of service, heroes don’t forget
about themselves. They transcend themselves. There they reach a
new energy – the Hero Energy. The soul of the hero. This is
being truly alive. It is a new resolution of life.
We are almost at the end of the second month of 2008 already.
That didn’t take long at all did it? 60 days of consistently using
a new thought or habit will “set” it in your brain and psyche.
“Try” each one of these resolutions for 30 days apiece.
There’s one for every month of the year. Put the hero resolutions
into your life and you can become the hero that will change the world.
Resolve to Live Like the Hero You Are!
Terri Marie
Award-winning author of “Be the Hero of Your Own Game”
Labels: Hero, heroes, intuition, joy, options, resolution, resolutions, time