The Waiting Game is Over

My mother is blind.
She told me the hardest thing about being blind is having to wait.
She has to wait for someone to read something to her.
She has to wait for people to take her places.
She can't just drive to the store anymore whenever she wants to go.
My mom can see just a teeny bit out of the corner of her eye
with a magnifying glass. But then my mom's magnifying glass broke.
It's not only the loss of vision then that becomes a problem.
Thinking of something that needs to be done, and being able to
immediately do something about it, is not an option for her.
My mom has to wait.
When my dad looked at my mother's magnifying glass,
he discovered it needed batteries. Now my mom had to
wait again for my dad to go to the store because of course,
my mom can't drive anymore.
Well, I take that back.
She can still drive.
She just can't see where she's going.
Look at all the lessons my mother is learning.
There are so many gifts she is building in herself.
My mother isn't very pleased with learning these
particular lessons, but I think her soul is very pleased with her.
She is learning:
Respecting other people's time
Interdependence. (This is from a very independent woman
who packed five kids in a car and took them cross-country and back by herself.)
Faith. My mother is learning that each situation will eventually resolve itself
Resourcefulness. My mom has to do something else in the meantime.
I told mom that this goes on all the time in business.
For instance, I told her that I'll make a phone call.
Then I'll often have to wait for someone to return it.
Perhaps I need a product or a part or a service.
Now I have to wait until someone can deliver it.
If I need to do an interview and can't get it done
on my schedule, I end up waiting until it does work out.
Life isn't totally a Burger King, have-it-your-way Day.
The ride of life is sometimes smooth. But sometimes life
appears to be on a siesta break. Don't worry about it.
Waiting in the line of life can be fun.
You get to do other things than what you planned.
Maybe those things are even better than what you had planned.
Maybe life is telling you that you are working too hard.
Do something else. Your turn will come again.
Things usually come even quicker that way.
I have found that when you get a "waiting" signal there
is a great gift, "waiting" for you, just like when you had to
wait for your Christmas gifts on Christmas morning.
Once you get the message of the "wait", life usually picks up and flows again.
Let me give you an example.
Things are going along fine in life.
Then life stops. No matter what you do, or try,
life doesn't seem to want to go in that direction.
It appears to be stalled.
You've Got 2 Choices
1. Life doesn't WANT you to go in that direction. Of course you could try anyway.
I, however, having tried doing that - fighting life's natural direction and guidance -
found it does not work very well. I would NOT recommend it.
2. You wait until life gets all the things it's working on in place.
Then you can go ahead and get green lights all the way.
The trouble with waiting is that you don't know how long you'll have to wait.
When you first start waiting, the waiting doesn't appear to have an end.
But I guess if waiting had a time limit, it wouldn't be waiting;
it would be a schedule. If you knew someone was going to call
you back on Thursday at 3:00PM, you'd go about life and
not worry about it. I'd say, knowing that it's all being orchestrated,
just go about life anyway.
Don't wait. Live full now.
When the time is right, the "awaited" thing arrives as it should.
Terri Marie
Labels: delays, timing, Wait, waiting game
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