Monday, January 26, 2009

Anything You Want

Anything You Want

My friend speaker Brian Adams, had a wonderful club
that I was part of a few years ago,
It was called "The Anything You Want" Club.
Once a week we would meet at Brian's office.
It was a small group (seems most people
don't believe they can have anything they want).

Brian started the group with a little sharing.
We'd talk about the great things that
were happening with each of us.
No complaining was allowed.
Many people attend those kind of complaining clubs
so there's no shortage of them.

This sharing session would really inspire us all.
Then Brian would give a speech. Brian was being mentored
by the great Les Brown, so we paid attention.
As Brian polished and worked on new material
I learned so much from Brian.
He and his partner Victor Broski helped
train me to qualify for
The Orange County Speakers Bureau.
Brian made us believe that we could do anything
with his words,
"Be, do, or have anything you want."
It's a good lesson to get as early as you can in life.
If you haven't got it yet, here's a reminder...

God doesn't want you to "save" any part of
your life for later.
God wants you to live like this is the best minute
God could give you...because it is.

Meanwhile...Anything means Everything.


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