Crossing Paths in Sedona

The other day as I was dropping something
off at the Sedona library, I decided to
quickly check the list of events in the
Sedona Calendar off to the side of the door.
What I saw completely delighted me as I exclaimed
out loud, (which you probably shouldn't do in
a library)... "Bobby!"
So pleased to see that Bobby Bridger would be
performing in Sedona that very night in fact,
that I didn't even bother to look at who
was giving me the "hush" signal.
Bobby is a good friend of mine.
Years ago we filmed what probably is the
most beautiful footage of my film career.
We shot stunning scenes on horseback through
BLM land in Wyoming and a tender scene
of a beautiful Native American maiden being
groomed for her wedding day.
You may recognize the name Bridger.
Bobby's great grand uncle was Jim Bridger,
the famous Mountain Man for which many
places in the northern mountains
of Montana and Wyoming are named.
Bobby's life is magical. He's written
many great works including his life work,
The Ballad of the West. It is so brilliant
that Bobby has been called,
"The Shakespeare of the West."
One of the amazing things about Bobby is
his great love of the Native Americans
shown through his respectful and beautiful
work, "Lakota." His insight and
knowledge of the famous medicine man
Black Elk is captivating.
Bobby's friends with just about everyone.
Years ago, Willy Nelson told Bobby to
film his Ballad and that's how we connected.
One of Bobby's earlier works was a
story about a falling star, which he says
contains everything he knows about the
workings of the universe. A very famous
musician bought the rights to it.
How great it was to again connect with
such a beautiful and spiritual man. Years
ago Bobby let me use his profound song,
"Heal in the Wisdom." on one of my documentaries.
It's a song that says it all.
What is the point of this message to you today?
It is this. A tiny little urge pushed me
to look at that calendar, which I do maybe once
in every 20 times at the library. I could've
missed a wonderful evening with a great friend
and re-established a bond with a man I
think of as my own spiritual brother.
In your life, every day, there are
"little urgings" with big payoffs.
Only when you become aware of them can
you gain the incredible gifts they hold.
These daily gifts are there for each
and every one of you when you listen closely.
I just had to tell you about Bobby so
that perhaps one day,
you too, may get to know him.
May you have clear listening from your
heart to your ears and have the beautiful
blessings that come from it.
Remember who you are!
Terri Marie
Copyright 2008 White Wing Entertainment
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