Hidden Treasures

The world continues to astonish me.
Having traveled around the beautiful Southwest
and Coast of California in between a
huge series of business meetings,
I found myself awed, astonished and refreshed.
This beautiful photo was taken along Hwy. 101
in the fog. If my battery hadn't been used up
by all the other great shots I was taking
I would have shared a video with you.
What intrigues me is most people drive
right by this place!
Is there something in your life that you
are "Driving right by?" Our greatest treasures
are usually right under our noses.
And that is often the last place we look.
There are 3 ways to find a hidden treasure in your life.
1. You Have to Be Open to Knowing What You Love.
If you really look within, you KNOW what turns you on.
You KNOW what gives you a high on life
You KNOW what makes you special because of
how you appreciate this trait in yourself.
2. Ask for Directions.
I had to ask a forest ranger about the above site
along the road. That's why I have that beautiful
shot above of the waterfall. But to see a hidden
treasure inside you, you may have to ask yourself
what it is.
You may have to ask God, or a friend,
but ask. Ask what your gift is.
Ask what hidden treasures you are meant to see and
bring to life. When you go to a restaurant you ask
for food. When you go to the doctor you ask for treatment.
When you go for your dreams, ask the person,
or Source at the highest level you can.
3. Pay Attention.
When you ask, an answer is always given.
Sometimes it appears hidden in clues.
Sometimes it is clear directions on what to do.
But whatever it is, pay attention after you have asked,
because the answer is right there.
Staring you in the face.
And that my friend is your hidden treasure.
When you find a hidden treasure in your own life,
you too will be awed.
You will be astonished and grateful.
And that hidden treasure will refresh you beyond compare.
May you take at least one of the steps this week
and allow yourself to see that beautiful hidden
treasure inside. And then please share it.
We love to see the treasure within others.
Your friend,
Terri Marie
Labels: Hidden treasures, Terri marie