"5 Cheering Strategies to Help You Through the Holidays!"

Here are "5 Great Cheering Strategies to Help You Through the Holidays." These strategies are all adapted from the book by Terri Marie, "Your Inner Cheerleader.".
In a nutshell, the short Christmas Rush version is:
1. Start the Season with a Big Kick-Off.
Do you really celebrate the start of the winter holiday season with a noteworthy and memorable event of any kind? Or do you just slide into it? Sliding into a holiday can be a disaster. You'll feel better if you give yourself a distinct starting point - a Christmas Game Kick off - in fact that's a great idea. Have some sort of ceremony or little ritual that sets the season in motion. Put the intent out there for what you want to experience. See that result. Whether you do this through sitting quietly with music and a candle or have a bunch of friends over to sing and dance (kind of what like the Native Americans do) - celebrate the start of Christmas. It will make the end and the whole journey there so much more precious.
2. "Negative Christmas Cheers" work just as well as positive ones but Christmas Cheerleaders don't use them.
Don't tell yourself or especially others (and spread the fear) how stressed you are, overwhelmed, frustrated, annoyed or worried about the holidays. (I am equally guilty of this my friends. Why do you think I wrote this book?) Negative thoughts are certainly going to pop up during Christmas but burst those negative cheers with an onslaught of Christmas cheer. Cheers like "Isn't it wonderful we have Christmas to celebrate?" Isn't this a beautiful time of the year?" "Look at how excited children are. How can I be more like that and spread joy?" There are a million wonderful Christmas cheer thoughts floating around. Turn your receiver on to hear them.
3. Build lots of positive energy. Here are two ideas to build more positive Christmas energy. One of the ways is the extreme mood changer of music. Of all music, I believe Christmas Music is generally the most positive, uplifting, cheery and poignant of all music. I love the Nutcracker Suite and so many other great pieces of Christmas heart touching music.
Another idea to build more positive energy is Giving. Where can you give this Christmas? Nothing with fill your heart faster than true heartfelt giving. Not obigational giving, but heart-urged giving. That is a secret of the meaning of all life.
4. Remember it's Just a Game. Remember it's Just a Holiday. Put it in perspective. All moments are equally valuable in life. In a month this will all be over. And then that new, fresh, never-lived-before moment should be special.
5. After the Game - Celebrate! When Christmas is done and over, have a celebration too. Do you really celebrate all your preparation, game time and the big plays you made during the holiday games? Try it. Raise the cheer again. Look back on the season. Mark the high points, the struggles. Laugh about them. Toast the entire Game of Christmas. You are part of all the love. Never forget that!
And so in the spirit of the holiday...
Hip Hip Hooray Christmas!
Hip Hip Hooray all other Winter holidays!
Hip Hip Hooray You!
Hip Hip Hooray Everyone!
And not least of all... Hip Hip Hooray God!
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Br ought to you by Terri Marie
CEO White Wing Entertainment,
Award-Winning Producer and Author
Labels: Christmas Cheer, Holiday Strategies to remove stress