Dana Boyle is the winner of the Best Hero Message - a message passed along from someone you consider a hero that had signifigant impact on your life.
Out of the hundreds of amazing messages, the message Dana sent in covered the essence of a hero - the hero's ability to act compeletly in the "Now" and do what is required at that particular moment in time.
Here is Dana's message:
"When I met Eunice Kennedy Shriver, she asked me what I wanted to do with my life and I was 18 and listed many things. She said, "I'm going to tell you what my mother told me and always remember it as you live your life. You can have and do everything you want in life, you just will not have and do it all at once. Celebrate each part of your life... as you are in it, appreciate and enjoy it, and resist wishing you were in a different part of it.”
Now that was powerful particularily for a young woman to hear and I do remember it."
The last line in Dana's submission did it.
The reasons this message was chosen are these:
1. It was given at a particularily influencial time in this person's life
2. "Celebrate your life" If we always remember to cherish every precious second of our life, then our life becomes a miracle of moments.
3. "Resist wishing you were in a different part of it." This is one of the most challenging things for us to do. Almost everyone wants life to be different that life currently is. But a hero does not run away from the moment. A hero faces whatever is right in front of them and deals heroically with it. I think that statement sums up the character of a true hero.
4. When a hero acts, a hero comes from that moment of power - the Now. A hero does what is perfect for the moment whatever that may be. lending a hand or a smile or saving a life whether his or her own or someone else's.
The advice Dana received and passed on is now yours to use.
"Celebrate Each Part of Your Life as You are in it"
"Appreciate it and enjoy it and resist wishing you were in a different part of it."
What great wisdom. A hero could not have said it better.
P.S. There were other stunningly important messages and I will pass along some of the runner up messages in a future post.
Labels: Best hero message, Dana Boyle, Hero messages, Young women
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