Friday, April 02, 2010

Why It Seems So Hard

The Soul Ladder or

When things seem hard.

I've found that when things seemed hard - for a good portion of
my life- it was because I hadn't hit my stride yet.
I hadn't believed in myself enough to let go of situations,
people and places that weren't for my highest good.

BUT they actually were.
They were necessary rungs on the spiritual ladder to a
higher version of myself. They showed me areas in
my life where I wasn't being good, loving and kind
to myself.
So they were great teachers.

Once I could accept and treasure that experience, I could move
on and view them with gratefulness for their gift to me.
And let them give that "gift" to someone else.

As I did that more and more, I found more loving, higher
soul people taking up spiritual residence in my circle of friends
and business acquaintances.

And guess what?

It got easier, not harder, to be with these people
People who serve the planet with deep love and understanding.
People with great wisdom.
It got fun, exciting and far more enjoyable to be who I really am
and who I have created myself to be.

As you rise up your soul ladder, you will find the people who can
help you make your dreams come true, your life successful and your
inner potential manifest. If it appears hard right now, it's an illusion
to show you how wonderful you are. Once you get that, you will glow
with the brilliance of the God who made you - to shine your perfect
soul essence onto your life and those you touch.

Glow well my friend,

Like like a hero!

Terri Marie

Hero of the Week
Jodie Nelson of Dana Point.
Jodie surf board paddled 40 miles from Catalina to Dana Point to raise money to help fight breast cancer. It took her nine hours. My arms would have given out before the hour. Her story is even more amazing. A whale joined her side for two of those hours giving her the moral support she needed. Jodie did something BIG. What can you do? We all have this power.

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